9 Jan 2010

Joint Ventures Made Easy

How To Create Joint Ventures
Joint Venture:- this is a business opportunity between two or more individuals with the idea of producing more income for a reduced advertising costs as this is split between all people involved.

A joint venture is one of the most effective ways to expand your business. Yet, like many of the most effective marketing strategies, when done badly, your results may often be poor.

When you sell your product, you use all sorts of conversion tactics such as:-

building a relationship
using deadlines
calls to action

So it would make sense to follow the same guidelines when attempting to attract a joint venture partner, ok? Your main purpose is trying to get people to take the action you want them to. People are all the same. They react to the same triggers. It doesn’t matter if they have years of experience in guerilla marketing or if they’re a newbie.

People are more likely to work with someone they’ve met in the recent past. They’re also more likely to buy from someone they’ve bought from before. That’s because trust is a very important integral part of any relationship, whether it be business or personal. If you approach me and I have no clue who you are, then I automatically do not trust you until you do something to build that trust.

You can build trust in a variety of ways. One method is to refer to a mutual business partner. Let’s say I’ve done business with a friend of yours and I trust them as we had a successful business venture. Then all you need do is get in touch and have them contact me. All you have to do is ask them.

Perhaps you don’t know anyone in the business. That’s when you use the law of reciprocity in your favour. This law states that whenever you do something nice for someone, they’re more likely to reciprocate. For example, if you provide good information to prospects for free, then they feel like they owe you something.

You can do a variety of things for potential joint venture partners. You can create marketing material that they can use for their affiliate program. You can shoot screencam video tutorials of their products for them so they can give away to their customers.

It will take more work to do this than simply sending out an email. If you’ve researched your potential joint venture partner thoroughly, then you’ll know the volume of business you’ll gain will be worth your investment. Even if this joint venture prospect doesn’t invest with you, he’ll more than likely refer you to his otherheavy hitter collegues.

Obviously, what I’ve outlined above may seem like a lot of work. You may just be happy to send form letters to as many people as possible asking them to promote your product for a split of the profit. You may get a few interested people based on the number of emails you send out. If you use the brute force tactic, you’ll surely run out of prospects to email eventually and be labelled as a spammer.

Now that you understand the importance of creating a relationship, let’s look at the second trigger.

2.) Exclusivity

People like to feel like they belong to an exclusive group. If you tell them that they were specifically chosen based on some criteria, they’ll feel important and will more likely respond positively. Tickle their ego a little.

Here is an example of this method:

Dear potential jv partner,

I read your article on “abc site” and thought it was very informative. I like how you pointed out blah blah blah. Based on your article, I felt you were an authority on “xyz topic”. I have a product related to this niche and I’m seeking experts in the field to promote my product for a split of the profits.


Dear potential jv partner,

I’m contacting you because you were recently featured as a top affiliate for “abc product”. I have an exclusive invitation only affiliate program and I’d like to invite heavy hitters such as yourself to join. I’m only accepting about a dozen partners at this time so that you have the benefit of less competing partners.

3.) What’s in it for me (WIIFM)

Many people do not know the difference between an affiliate and a joint venture partner. This difference should be noted because a joint venture partner can bring you so much more business than an affiliate.

When you have an affiliate program, your affiliates are commissioned employees. In a sales organization, people who make more sales volume per given month are elevated to a higher commission level. People who can achieve outstanding sales are highly coveted. They are an asset and if they think they’re not valued then they will jump to another opportunity where they feel they will get more benefit for the same amount of work elsewhere.

Your joint venture partners should get perks such as:-
higher commissions
a head start

Giving away your product to a potential joint venture partner for review is a good idea for starters. That’s the least you can do.

These are just a few things that can be done in an attempt to enter a joint venture agreement.

I do hope that this has helped a little.
To find out how easy it is to create a joint venture go to clarkespublishing before your time runs out as this offer is only for a limited time.

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